Now What: The Great Commission

Apr 28, 2024    Alex Smith

In this sermon, we explore the significance of the Great Commission as outlined in Matthew 28:16-20. Pastor Alex Smith shares the "Now What?" of our faith journey and our calling as believers. At The Orchard, we exist to encounter Jesus, experience transformation, and embrace everyone. We blend tradition with modern worship to engage the Next Generation and foster community. The resurrection signifies Jesus's identity and the dawn of a new world of love, empowering us to bring justice and build community.

Living for the resurrection involves relational wholeness, resisting cultural forces like cynicism, and embracing a life of love and peace. We make disciples by inviting others to follow Jesus, baptizing them into the faith community, and teaching them about the Kingdom of God. Despite our imperfections, Jesus promises to be with us always, providing comfort and strength. Join us as we know the power of the Resurrection, make disciples, baptize new believers, and remember that Jesus is always with us.